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For every written exam in college political science, I spent the 90 minutes doodling and wiring nonsense only to get up and return the pre written bluebook copied from my friend who took the class the previous semester. I got a B. He got a C. From 1 October 2015 Kingston Hospital will be a smokefree site. This means smoking will not be permitted anywhere in our hospital buildings, car parks and grounds. This includes all tobacco products, e cigarettes and vaping devises.Based on the concept ofairline safety advice given before an aircraft takes off, and Safe is oneof our four values, patients at the Trust can now watch a short film ontheir bedside television, the information screens or at home before admission, about potential risks in a hospital, which for many, can be anew and unfamiliar environment.The safety advice looksat simple things patients can do while in hospital to make their stay safer.The advice focuses on eight areas:blood clotsspeaking to staff if patients have any problems or questionspressure ulcer avoidancedischarge from hospitalThe film can be seen onthe homepage of the Intranet under 'spotlight'.The film is supported byan information leaflet 'Making your stay with us safe' which is being printed and will also be available on the Intranet.It would be great ifstaff and volunteers could direct patients and their families to the film on arrival to ward or in pre assessment clinics.For more informationplease contact Dee Patil, Quality Improvement Lead for Patient Safety, on ext.

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